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New Contest (For Registered Members only)

 😊Thank you for joining Afro Community Canada.💖

Our biggest goal is to be the one stop destination for all information for newcomers of Afro Origin in Canada.:classic_love:

Our next contest will involve sharing your experiences and providing useful information for new members who come to the community to seek information.


$100 for the First 3 Members to Reach the Rank of Community Regular (1,300 points) by January 31st, 2023. You must email admin when you receive the notification of your rank achievement.  admin@afrocommunity.ca

Extra $50 for the best content with highest replies.


How to Enter

Simply post new topics and reply to other posts in the forum to reach a new rank (Community Regular). 🤩 It's that simple!

There are 14 ranks in this community. Ranks are assigned to members by point system based on the number of original posts and replies to existing posts they make. The more you post, the higher your rank.

The 14 ranks and required points are as follows:

1.       Newbie 0 points

2.       Rookie:  40 points

3.       Apprentice: 90 points

4.       Explorer 185 points

5.       Contributor: 250 points

6.       Enthusiast: 400 points

7.       Collaborator: 800 points

8.       Community Regular: 1,300 points

9.       Rising Star: 1950 points

10.   Proficient: 2,600 points

11.   Experienced: 3,900 points

12.   Mentor: 5,200 points

13.   Veteran: 9,100 points

14.   Grand Master: 13,000 points


$100 for the First 3 Members to Reach the Rank of Community Regular (1,300 points) by January 31st, 2023. You must email admin when you receive the notification of your rank achievement.  admin@afrocommunity.ca

Extra $50 for the best content with highest replies.


  • You can post in any forum of your choice
  • You must not post more than 2 topics in one forum section; e.g Travel, Career, Real estate, etc
  • Your Initial post in any forum must be relevant to the newcomer in Canada from Africa or the Caribbean (can be based on personal experience or observation). Extra point for the post with the most replies. Make it engaging! You can share your post online to get more replies.
  • Must not be less than 100 words, including topic. (Can be more if you like writing)
  • Post can be written in English, French, or your native language.

💥This is not an essay competition. Do not worry about your grammar or punctuation.💥


Post your Questions below!



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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Hazel Gondo said:

What qualifications are needed to work in the immigration office as an assistant or clerk?

Is this for Canadian immigration office?

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